Eamon Flaherty Timber
We are a family-run business for over 40 years and are one of the largest private timber buyers in the country.
We have a growing sawmill in the Midlands, where we provide fencing and firewood nationwide.
Eamon Flaherty Timber Ltd. is committed to sourcing timber ethically and responsibly to the highest standards. We harvest and supply timber with various accredited certifications including FSC®, PEFC, NSAI and WFQA.
Flaherty Timber fencing products are of an exceptional standard. The quality and durability of their products is extremely high. They are a very reliable supplier to Scanpole Ireland, formerly known as PDM Timber Treatment Ltd, we trust Flaherty Timber to provide clean, well graded, high specification material for our needs on time and in full. Flaherty Timber's commitment to supply timber from responsibly managed forests, their focus on sustainability throughout their supply chain aligns with the company values that Scanpole Ireland Ltd wish to be associated with. Scanpole Ireland is proud to be associated with Flaherty Timber, supporting sustainable Irish native timber species and Irish jobs.
Richard O'Connor, Business Director | Scanpole Ireland